“I was expecting interesting, but I didn’t expect epic: adolescent Huckleberry Hellion turns stoner dreamer, following a story arc that could have been written by Hunter S. Thompson on gonzo entrepreneurialism in the space age, reaching for audio nirvana.”

It’s 99% True…
Paul McGowan tells all (and then some) in this riotous tale of misbegotten success that’s 99% true in all the best ways. From his not-so-innocent youth growing up in the shadow of Disneyland and summer evenings in the innocent 1950s, to his dope-smoking, snake-eating, draft-dodging, loony-bin misadventure through Europe, to his struggles to build a thriving enterprise from a stack of dusty albums. Come enjoy funny bone laughs and heartrending stories as Paul tries to find his place in a worldwide community you never knew existed.
Available now for purchase. Just click here to get your copy.
“Paul McGowan is the real deal, 100% inspired, inspiring and a genuine mensch. This book will make you laugh and push you to do something remarkable. Go make a ruckus.”

I do wonder what people would think…
…if they could see through my veneer. I’m the CEO of PS Audio, a multimillion-dollar corporation that makes stereo equipment: a proud father of four, a mentor, a respected member of our community. But look deeper, because there’s more. My father swore I would wind up in prison. My mother prayed that I would make it past puberty. I’m 70 years old now—old enough to be all right with pulling back the kimono that hides my soul and answers the question of how I got here.
When I was a teenager, I was always running from something: the law, the Feds, the draft. Flight took me over the border to Tijuana for contraband, inside a county jail, into the hands of the Secret Service, onto the streets of Haight-Ashbury. I visited the armpit of Munich and the shame of bankruptcy court. I failed at just about everything I tried.
That’s the world that shaped me into the caricature of respectability that seems to define me today, but it isn’t the real story either. For that you’ll need to get a copy of 99% True. Add your email in the form below and I’ll let you in on something special.
Available now. Just click here to get your copy
Never before published
pictures from 99% True
Click on the picture for the story

“From “Paul” and “Stan” was born PS Audio and you can find the rest of Paul’s and PS Audio’s story in these pages”